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Top 5 Questions Women Ask About a Mommy Makeover


woman breast feeding with implants

Pregnancy takes an enormous toll on the body – so much so that diet and exercise simply aren’t enough to regain one’s physique once childbearing is done. Plastic surgery may be a woman’s only recourse.

After years of sacrifice and doing everything for the kids, you owe it to yourself to schedule a consultation with esteemed NYC plastic surgeon Thomas W. Loeb, M.D. to learn more about the increasingly popular “mommy makeover” procedure. In the meantime, here are a few answers to the most commonly asked questions.

What’s included in a mommy makeover?

Each mommy makeover is customized to the individual. Generally speaking, a “mommy makeover” is a set of procedures that may include the following:

  • Breast lift: to reduce breast sagging related to aging or nursing and reposition the nipples
  • Breast augmentation: to restore lost breast volume or increase size and improve shape
  • Breast reduction: to restore symmetry to the breasts or improve comfort
  • Liposuction: to remove excess fat around the abdomen, love handles, thighs or rump
  • Tummy tuck: to tighten the stomach skin and repair damaged muscle

Less frequently, arm lifts or vaginal rejuvenation with labiaplasty may be incorporated in with the set of procedures.

How do I know if I am a good candidate?

A private consultation is the best way to know if you’re a good candidate for a mommy makeover, but generally, you should be:

  • Done having children
  • Within 10% of your ideal weight
  • A non-smoker
  • Committed to maintaining your results with diet and exercise

When is the best time to get a mommy makeover?

Many women worry about being “out of commission” while their kids are young. However, it never really does get easier – with all the school-related functions and after-school sports. You will need a little extra help around the house, no matter when you decide to have the procedures done. Dr. Loeb finds that, generally speaking, the younger the patient, the shorter the healing time.

It is recommended that you wait:

  • 3 months after you’ve reached your weight loss goal to be within 10% of your ideal body weight
  • 3 months after you’ve finished breastfeeding
  • 6 months after giving birth if you’re not breastfeeding

If you plan to have more children over the next 2-3 years, then it’s best to hold off until you’re done. On the other hand, if you had children young and don’t plan on having more children for a long time (if at all), then why not get the procedures done now and enjoy your figure for many years before you get to that bridge?

It is important that you share your wishes with the surgeon, as there are different tummy tuck and breast augmentation techniques to ensure the best possible results for women who plan to have more children in the future.

Will I need general anesthesia for the surgery?

The surgery duration depends upon which procedures you need, but the standard combination of implants, lift and tummy tuck takes about four or five hours, with an additional hour in recovery afterward. Some surgeons will do IV sedation where you’re conscious but in a dream-like state. However, most surgeons prefer general anesthesia to ensure the comfort of the patient.

The risk of serious complications from anesthesia is very low and can be minimized by submitting to a physician physical and bloodwork prior to surgery. By answering your health questionnaire honestly, your surgeon can take any necessary extra steps to assure your safety. For some patients, an overnight stay in the hospital may be recommended, particularly to minimize the risk of infection or deep vein thrombosis.

What is the recovery for mommy makeover like?

Every patient recovers at their own pace. It is recommended that you consider the first 10-14 days as “House Arrest,” with limited movement and no lifting. You will need help taking care of small children and performing basic house chores. After the first two weeks, you can begin walking for exercise, go back to work (if you have a desk job), resume duties as the primary caretaker of the kids, and lift items under 20 pounds. More vigorous exercise can be resumed at six weeks, as long as there is no pounding or bouncing. After eight weeks, you can run or go back to aerobics class.

Dr. Thomas Loeb does all he can to reduce the appearance of scars. Over the years, better technique and technology allows surgeons to correct overstretched abdominal muscles, loose skin, pockets of fat and sagging breasts effectively – often without creating visible incisions. In cases where an incision is necessary, women can reduce the likelihood of scarring with skin adhesive like Dermabond and silicone scar treatment like BioCorneum. Massaging the scar beginning at three weeks and skipping the tanning bed and direct sunlight for at least a month are recommended to reduce scarring. If a hypertrophic (raised) scar develops, Kenalog steroid injections and laser skin resurfacing can be administered.

If you’d like more information on a mommy makeover in NYC, please call 212-327-3700 to schedule a private consultation with Dr. Loeb.

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